Cerebral Palsy is an extremely debilitating group of disorders that affect the control of movement and coordination. The disorders are caused by brain damage and/or incorrect development of the brain as a result of the brain not getting enough oxygen. It is a life long condition that affects the communication between the brain and the muscles, causing a permanent state of uncoordinated movement and posturing. In the vast majority of cases, Cerebral Palsy cases develop in the womb or before an infant reaches one year old. While it is not always clear what causes the infant to develop Cerebral Palsy, many cases are caused by mistakes and carelessness of healthcare professionals made before and during delivery.
An individual with cerebral palsy may have difficulty with fine motor tasks, such as writing or cutting with scissors; experience trouble with maintaining balance and walking; or be affected by involuntary movements, such as uncontrollable writhing motion of the hands or drooling. In some cases the symptoms will be mild and only cause minor inconveniencies in the individual’s life. In other cases, however, the symptoms may be severe, especially when combined with other medical disorders that often accompany Cerebral Palsy such as seizures and mental impairment. In these cases, Cerebral Palsy may interrupt almost every aspect of the individual’s and caretakers’ lives.
Regardless of the severity of the individual’s symptoms, almost all Cerebral Palsy sufferers will need some degree of assistive care. This may include the use of devices such as wheelchairs, braces, and walkers, intensive and specialized medical care, educational assistance, counseling, and for all, the extra time, attention, and love of family and friends. The financial costs of helping a Cerebral Palsy patient reach their full potential can be astronomical.
Life-time costs of providing care for a Cerebral Palsy patient can be millions of dollars. Few people have that kind of money and where insurance proceeds are available to pay for medical expenses, parents will find that their child's health insurance will run out after several years, as health insurance policies are capped at a predetermined amount. Even when insurance companies cover most of the costs, they will likely not pay for the exceptional care that you will want your child to have.
It is important to note that research indicates that the quality of care provided to a Cerebral Palsy patient is an important variable in the combination of factors that will determine an individual’s life expectancy and the extent to which the disorders will interfere with the individual’s life.
Those taking care of people with Cerebral Palsy need to explore every single avenue in order to maximize available funds to be applied for care. In cases where a doctor or healthcare professional’s error or lack of attention caused the disorder, seeking legal compensation for medical expenses, pain and suffering, and life-time care from the person or entity that caused the disorders is an avenue that must be seriously explored. That exploration begins with the selection of a qualified personal injury attorney with experience litigating medical negligence cases.
The cerebral palsy lawyer you choose must understand the fine details of the condition, its real life consequences for the affected individual and his or her family, and the overall challenge inherent in raising a child with Cerebral Palsy.
In addition, the attorney must know how to zealously protect an individual’s rights to legal compensation. This may include filing paperwork before quickly approaching deadlines, consulting with a chosen cadre of Cerebral Palsy medical experts, contacting insurance companies to begin settlement negotiations, and collecting medical evidence that can disappear with time.
We at The Law Offices of Jonathan B. Nelson, P.C. have extensive experience handling Cerebral Palsy medical negligence cases. If your child contracted Cerebral Palsy, and you think there is a chance it occurred during the birthing process, call us right away for a no obligation case review. Remember, Cerebral Palsy is usually caused by either negligent prenatal care by a doctor or by a mistake in the delivery room.
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